Articles in this category How do I turn off Luda.FenceAlarm? If you want to store the product for a period of time it is best to turn it off first to not drain the battery. To turn it off press the ON/OFF symbol for 2 seconds, release the button and than press ... Can I make a manual voltage measurement with Luda.FenceAlarm? Yes, you can make a manual measurement by pressing the ON-button for 2 seconds until the left lamp lights green. Then you can see the voltage in the app My.Luda.Farm. How often does Luda.FenceAlarm communicate? Without Alarm+ activated Luda.FenceAlarm communicates once every 24 h regardless of voltage changes. With Alarm+ Luda.Fence measures the voltage every minute if it is charged >95 % or every 10 minu... Voltage measurements There are numerous types of energizers on the market designed for different lengths of fences, environments and animals. The purpose is to send out electric pulses to the fence strong enough to preve... Where should I place my FenceAlarm? Before installing your FenceAlarm it is good to consider how your fence is built and how the voltage travels through the thread. It is also important to understand that FenceAlarm can only measure the...